Call 320-492-1377 for board prices.
Boarding with one to three other horses that get along with each other. Horses are grained once per day and are given fresh hay either daily or out of a large feeder. A safe, outdoor shelter is provided at all times. Horses may be with other horses of the same or opposite gender.
Semi-Private With Box Stall
Boarding with one to three other horses that get along with each other. Grain is given once or twice per day. Horses are brought in every night and are provided with a clean, safe box stall and fresh hay. Horses may be with other horses of the same or opposite gender.
Private Boarding
Horses are kept in a paddock by themselves. Graining takes place one or two times daily. Fresh hay is fed in the morning and evening. Horses are provided with their own outdoor shelter. Horses are kept close to other horses to prevent loneliness and anxiety.
Private Boarding With Box Stall
Horses are kept in a paddock by themselves and our brought in to their box stall each evening. Stalls are kept clean and safe. Graining takes place one or two times daily. Fresh hay is fed in the morning and evening. Horses are kept close to other horses to prevent loneliness and anxiety.
Horses receive the very best care at Faith Hope Love Riding Academy. Stalls, barns and paddocks are well maintained and kept clean. Horses are treated well and given the love and care they deserve. Owners are welcome to come and visit/ride their horses during regular barn hours year round.

Lynne Dalbec
Barn Manager
With a love for all animals and people Lynne is uniquely qualified to care for the animals at the farm. Having always had a special spot in her heart for the mare’s and foals, her gentle handling has molded them into kind and loving horses. Lynne has thoroughly enjoyed working with all of the young girls (and boys) who have come to help on the farm, teaching them to care for and handle the horses. She has also been a strong mentor. Lynne always comes with to the shows to help the horses and riders, she has been a real blessing. Not only helping riders get ready, but also providing much needed emotional support. Also a dog lover, her dogs are always ready to greet you when you come to the farm.